My research areas center around individual differences, task engagement, technology-enabled language learning, digital literacy, teacher education, and language in context.
Research Projects
On-going research projects:
May 2023 - present Investigating pre-service teachers’ culturally responsive competence and growth. Led by Dr. Yuliya Ardasheva.
May 2023 - present Extended Reality (XR) Development Lab. Led by Dr. Joy Egbert & Ali Asiri. For more info, click here.
March 2023 - present Increasing achievement across the disciplines with educational escape rooms. Led by: Dr. Joy Egbert.
January 2023 - present Inclusivity practices in multilingual education. Led by: Dr. Tom Salsbury.
McCrocklin, S. M., Stuckel, R., & Mainake, E. (2022). Pronunciation Learning in Simulated Immersive Language Learning in VR. Invited submission to Technological Resources for Second Language Pronunciation Learning and Teaching: Research-based Approaches (Book Chapter). Lexington Books
Mainake, E. & McCrocklin, S. M. (2021). Indonesian Teachers’ Perceived Technology Literacy for Enabling Technology-Enhanced English Instruction. New Horizons in English Studies. No. 6, 18 - 35. Retrieved from:
Mainake, E. (2021). Code-Switching on Advertisement: A Case of Food Advertisements in Indonesia. HUELE: Journal of Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Culture, 1 (1), 41-52. Retrieved from:
Mainake, E. (2021). Indonesian Students’ Attitude towards Accent-Shifts: A Preliminary Study. Studies in the Linguistics Sciences: Illinois Working Paper 44. 170- 189. Retrieved from:
McCrocklin, S., Messemer, E., Johnston, M., Humaidan, A., Stuckel, R., Mainake, M., Aboshi, T., Johnston, I., Fettig, C., & Lunina, T. (2022, June 16-18). “Online Teaching during COVID-19: Exploring the Relationship of CALL Training and Beliefs about Pronunciation Teaching”. Poster Presentation at the 2022 PSLLT (Pronunciation in Second Language Learning and Teaching) Conference, Brock University, Ontario, Canada.
Mainake, E., & McCrocklin, S. M. (2021, June 3). “Analyzing EFL Teachers’ Technology Preparedness to Promote CALL in Indonesia”. Presented at the 37th CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA.
McCrocklin, S. M., Stuckel, R., & Mainake, E. (2021, June 3). “Examining Student Experiences in Simulated Immersive Language Learning Experiences in VR”. Presented at the 37th CALICO (Computer-Assisted Language Instruction Consortium) Annual Conference, Seattle, Washington, USA.
Mainake, E. (2020, February 28-29). “Non-Native Speakers’ Attitude toward Accent-Shift: A Case Study of Indonesian Students in the US”. Presented at ILLS 2020 (Illinois Language and Linguistics Society) Conference, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA.
Mainake, E. (2016, September). “Documentary Video Presentation: An Effective Way of Fostering Students’ Oral Skill”. Presented at TEFLIN Conference held by Universitas PGRI Adi Buana, Surabaya and RELO Office, and published in TEFLIN Proceedings.
Kakerissa, W. M., Mainake, E., & Abdullah, A. A. (2015, December). “Students’ Perceptions of Using Drama in English Language Teaching (A Study of 2014/2015 Academic Year Students)”. Presented at International Seminar on Language and Literature by HISKI, Ambon and published in HISKI Proceedings.
Mainake, E., Camerling, B., Rahayaan, F. Z., & Letwory, N. Ch. (2015, November). “Students’ Perceptions on the Use of English as ‘Cyber Lingua Franca’ on Facebook”. Presented at International Seminar on Language, Culture and Society by Indonesia Institute of Science, Jakarta.
Mainake, E. (2015, February). “Code-Switching of EFL Students (A Descriptive Study on English Department Students at Pattimura University”. Presented at International Seminar on Literacy and Language Teaching by Faculty of Teacher Training and Educational Sciences, Pattimura University, Ambon.